- The “Intimate Public” of Mommy Blogs: A Genre Study By Chelsea Lonsdale
- In Another Life By Chelsea Lonsdale
- Gender as Performance as Communication as Rhetoric By: Chelsea Lonsdale
- Jellybean By Laurie Stevens
- Honeybee By Laurie Stevens
- The Surrogate of Film: West Side Story and Shakespearean Otherness By Phillip Park
- Comparison/Contrast Film Response By Phillip Park
- Nona By Lesa Doa
- My Walk With God By Diana Micu
- CATHARSIS? By Cari McLeod
- Ariel By Nichole Prater
- Mother Where Art Thou? By Aisha Almazro
- The Raccoon By Anthony Zick
- The Book of Glass By Nolan Fleming Smith
The most hollow definition of beautiful is one
you clearly aren’t a fan of, and I can understand that.
Shoved in the skin of a person you aren’t and then cat-called
is not something I’d be comfortable with either.
But I desperately want to call it you because
to me it means the quality of a
soul who
emits light, who greets baristas like they’re old friends
and kisses me a thousand shining times
when I’m face down from
singing embarrassment.
The recognized definition is as follows:
the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense
pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising
from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.)
or something else (as in a personality in which a
high spiritual quality is manifest)
And that sounds pretty applicable to me.
I have always been a fan of
the dictionary
But you are b e a u t i f u l
because there’s nobody in the world that lights me up like you do
(I mean, I’m writing
POETRY and I don’t think you understand)
and I just feel like that deserves a few compliments and
it is, after all, one of my very favorite words
so forgive me, please.
Another, favorite word, that is,
is one you don’t hear
too often where we live up here in
Yankee country but even so
sounds like golden summer days and you to me
so how could I resist running my tongue all over it?
And when bees keep buzzing in all the radio songs
like my damn windmills and foxes it’d be wrong to
ignore this just like I feel that it’s wrong for my mind
to take a breath in between thoughts of you.
I find myself
racing my words across this apartment
to this page because they drip like water but don’t taste
quite as good as the sweat on your shoulder
so sometimes I forget them for a moment in memory’s favor.
Poetry’s not something I do so well but
disclaimers aside my mind insists on dwelling in
the sound of your laugh and the size of your hands and
the few times you’ve sounded scared of me,
and I assure you there’s no need to be, not when I’m
the one who’s surely
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