Saint Paul University Collective Agreement

Saint Paul University Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Employees

Collective agreements are essential in protecting the rights and interests of employees. At Saint Paul University, the collective agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for faculty and support staff.

The collective agreement is a legally binding document that governs the relationship between the employer and the employees. It provides details on key issues such as salaries, benefits, working conditions, job security, and grievances.

For employees of Saint Paul University, understanding the collective agreement is crucial to ensuring fair treatment and equitable compensation.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the collective agreement at Saint Paul University and highlight some key provisions that employees should be aware of.

Coverage and Scope

The collective agreement at Saint Paul University covers all full-time and part-time faculty members, including professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors. It also covers all full-time and part-time support staff members, including administrative assistants, technical support staff, and library assistants.

The agreement applies to all aspects of employment, including salary, benefits, workload, performance evaluations, and grievances.

Salary and Benefits

The collective agreement outlines the salary scales for each rank and step in the faculty and support staff classifications. The salary scales are revised periodically to reflect changes in the cost of living and other factors.

In addition to basic salary, the collective agreement provides for a range of benefits for employees, including health and dental insurance, disability insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities.

Workload and Teaching Assignments

The collective agreement at Saint Paul University ensures that faculty members are not overburdened with excessive workloads or unreasonable teaching assignments. Each faculty member is entitled to a reasonable workload that allows them to fulfill their teaching, research, and service obligations.

Support staff members are also entitled to a reasonable workload and adequate time to complete their assigned tasks.

Job Security and Grievances

The collective agreement provides job security for employees, including protection against arbitrary dismissal or layoff. It also establishes a grievance and arbitration process for resolving disputes between employees and management.

Employees are encouraged to raise any concerns or issues with their supervisor or union representative as soon as possible to ensure a timely resolution.


The collective agreement at Saint Paul University is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for faculty and support staff. Employees should familiarize themselves with the agreement to ensure fair treatment and equitable compensation.

If you have any questions or concerns about the collective agreement, you can contact your union representative or human resources department for assistance.